Thursday, April 5, 2007

Art Studio Notes- Time to Play; Homer and Odessy

Here we are; fully primed and the juices of creation are blasting in syncopation with every beat of this word processor.....skip ooopps here we launch again out over the vast and promiscuous labyrinth of concepts profusion of direction ..... trajectory .....oh off and over the length of conception gone beyond the wildest concepts of any text book table re: measurement...I mean completely gone...!!!
So, as I was saying.....
weeez gone......

and this feeling comes to me.....
and this connection takes a place.....
(are you with me ?
And you do things that aren't always seen as rationales

SOOOOOO::::ART Studio process!
Making preparation for a series of images base upon a journey over time with materials that some how speak to me! How?......Continue to Read my dear traveler, continue to read.....